Animals and Bear Spray

Update: This blog has moved! You can check out this post here.

OK. One last post about our trip before we get back to work. It is hard for me to believe that all of our travels and warm-weather fun are over and it is time to get back to work. It has been a near-perfect summer, so we cannot complain. The trip to Montana and Yellowstone National Park was the culmination. I loved the scenery and activities, but honestly I was probably most excited about the wildlife we saw.

Moose in Yellowstone

Update: This blog has moved! You can read the rest of this post here.


2 thoughts on “Animals and Bear Spray

  1. What a hilarious bear spray story! Love your photos, especially the one of the four horses–great composition, color and texture. Frame that one!

    I had a similar buffalo photo reaction: “Look–way in the distance–buffalo!!” Then, “Buffalo, right over there!” Finally, “Buffalo next to the car!” And then I quit taking pictures of buffalo. They do, however, produce artful scat. I can’t wait to go back to Yellowstone…

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