How to Get a Divorce in 21 Easy Steps or How to Paint a Kitchen

Update: This blog has moved! You can check out this post here.

It was Douglas’ idea to title the post this way. I must admit that things were a little hairy by the end of the weekend, but you will be happy to know that I unpacked my suitcases and Douglas is no longer filing for divorce. I jest, in case you thought I was serious. We are not truly in jeopardy of separation. We are, however, still sorting out a very young marriage. Many people have told me that the first year of marriage is difficult, and while we have not suffered great difficulty, we are still working things out. We both lived alone for many years and had become somewhat set in our ways. We will survive, especially if we can ever finish all of the projects in the house. Is that even a possibility?

This weekend we worked on the kitchen. Here is what it looked like pre-painting, or at least this is what it looked like in August 2012. You can check out the whole house here.


Update: This blog has moved! You can finish reading this post here.