Shelve it!


Update: This blog has moved! You can check out this post here.

Wall of shelves

We received these shelves as wedding presents from my friends Brian and Jenny. I had been trying to figure out what to do with this wall behind the couch for a while. It is an awkward area because the wall has two depths. Currently, the couch is half on the wall and half six inches in front of it. Someday I would love to build a custom bookshelf, but that is not going to happen in the near future. So, when I saw these narrow floating shelves at Bed, Bath and Beyond, I decided to register for them. Here they are on the BB&B website.

Installing Wall of shelves

Update: This blog has moved! You can finish reading this post here.

4 thoughts on “Shelve it!

  1. jessica,
    your home looks lovely and well loved. in the pics it looks like you have writings stenciled behind each art piece. i realize it was inscripted in your photo. but cool idea to place sentiment , scripture, or favorite quotes on the wall too.
    you are an inspiration. fondly,

    • Thank you Leeann. The whole idea of the blog is to inspire people to be creative in their home. It does not require a lot of money, as I hope that I show people by example.

      I love the idea of the writing on the wall to use a Biblical phrase. 🙂 I have been thinking of doing it for years. I still have not decided where or what, but when I do, rest assured that I will write a blog about it.

      Thanks again for checking in and commenting. The comments mean a great deal to me because I do not get much feedback otherwise.

    • Thank you. Those type of projects are great and all too rare. 🙂 The lizard is great. I feel that he needs something similar to him on that shelf. I actually made a ceramic box in college that was in the shape of the rock with a lizard on it. I just realized that it would be perfect for that shelf. Last time I ran across it, however, the bottom was missing. I am going to have to do a search!

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