How to Refinish a Dog

Update: This blog has moved! You can check out this post here.

For me, a house just is not a home unless there is an animal in it. 2011 was a difficult year for us. First my Freckles the Freak passed away in January at fifteen and a half years of age. Then, Douglas’ Sambucca died two months after her seventeenth birthday in November. Pets are an amazing source of love and comfort, but they sure leave a big hole when they go. Here is the Christmas card from our last Christmas together.

Christmas Card 2010

Suddenly, I was coming home to a silent house after fifteen years of canine companionship. I did not know what to do with myself and begged Douglas to get another dog. He did not think he was ready. I haunted, falling in love over and over again with the adorable dogs and cats. By the end of January, Douglas, sick of being bombarded with dog pictures when he came home from work every night, gave in, and we went to look at Onyx at the Goldens Bridge Veterinary Care Center. They were treating her for the rescue agency, Ruff Start Rescue.

First day home

Update: This blog has moved! You can finish reading this post here.

9 thoughts on “How to Refinish a Dog

  1. Such a sweet story, Jessica. You saved a life… and now she gets to share it with you. We have always adopted pets from the humane society and usually they are adults because I always feel like they may be the last to get adopted.
    Pets do make a home and fill it with love and happiness. I can’t imagine life without our kitties. Inspiring post! She’s in the best home ever!

  2. You guys are the best. Having been doing this for many years I can honestly say that there are not a lot of adopters that would do for their dog like you have. Thank you so much for saving, loving and da,ring for Kahlua. She looks beautiful and your story brought tears to my eyes.

    Lori, Ruff Start Rescue

    • Thank you Lori for all that you do to help dogs. I think that an even harder job than we had with Onyx/Kahlua would be seeing so many dogs that have been abused and not being able to help them all. That is why Douglas limited me to only visiting one, because he would have wanted to bring them all home.

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