Second Bedroom Redesign

Update: This blog has moved! You can check out this post here.

My house was so messy by Saturday last week, that I could not believe so little time had passed since the last cleaning. I was particularly dismayed by the state of the second bedroom. Two weeks ago, on Labor Day weekend, my friend Nga came to visit, and the room looked like this.

BedroomUpdate: This blog has moved! You can finish reading this post here.

Weirdly Cool Kitty Lamp

Update: This blog has moved! You can check out this post here.

Early in the summer I was going to garage sales with my friend Krystal every weekend. We found a lot of “treasures” in our forays, especially Krystal who bought some great things for her one-year-old daughter. I found this lamp at an enormous church sale. As you can see from the tag in the picture, they were asking $11 for it. I think that Krystal was more than slightly mystified about why I wanted to buy it. I must admit that even I found it ugly in its original state, but I love cats and thought that I could make it look better.

Kitty Lamp

Update: This blog has moved! You can finish reading this post here.